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Tips For Filing Your Homeowner's Insurance Claim

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If there has been a natural disaster, theft, vandalism, or other peril that caused damage to your home, you should not delay filing the claim. As soon as you have dealt with any necessary actions or police reports, you should begin gathering documentation that details what happened to your home and begin filling out the claim paperwork. Remember that there is a statute of limitations for claims, and if you wait too long, your homeowner's insurance company can deny the claim. Here are tips for getting the claim filed.

Give Notice to Your Insurance Company

If you have not done so already, let your insurance company know about the incident and that you need to file a claim. Based on your specific homeowner's insurance policy, they will inform you of your next steps and let you know where you can find the claim paperwork to fill out. During this time, you can make temporary repairs to your home, but don't repair anything major until the home insurance adjuster has come out to see the damage.

Document the Damage

Before the insurance adjuster has a chance to look at your property, you should start collecting your own documentation. Take notes of the event that occurred, marking down any details you remember. For example, if the damage was due to a break-in, write down the time you returned and anything you noticed was missing or damaged. If there is visible damage in different areas of your home, not only should you write that down, but get out your phone or digital camera and start getting pictures.

Your insurance company will want a detailed list of items that were stolen or damaged. Try to be as specific as you can as you go through your home to assess the damage. They will need this when determining how much you get due to your claim.

Fill Out Your Paperwork

You can start filling out the paperwork for the claim before the insurance adjuster arrives at your home. By this point, you already have the notes and documentation ready. You are aware of what happened, how much damage was caused, and how many of your belongings are missing or damaged. This information is what you need when filling out the paperwork. After filling it out, wait for the insurance adjuster to arrive before sending in the insurance claim. They might have additional steps for you to follow before completing the claim.

The next step is simply to wait for an answer from the insurance company. If they deny your original claim and you feel you are owed benefits due to your homeowner's insurance policy, you should be able to file an appeal.
