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3 Situations In Which Your Premiums May Not Go Up Following An Accident

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Are you worried that a recent accident is going to increase your auto insurance premiums? It's likely because some insurance companies will increase your policies if you are in any accidents, regardless of scope, scale or fault. But most insurance companies are a little more reasonable than that. There are a few scenarios that you could potentially fall into that could mean that you can keep your premiums low even following your claim.

1. If You Immediately Consult With an Attorney

If you weren't at fault, you will often not have an increase in your auto insurance premium. But it's proving that you weren't at fault that can be complicated. If you don't have an attorney, you may not be able to show that the other driver involved had caused the issue. Consulting with an attorney will protect you in many ways, especially from the future financial consequences of the accident. But, keep in mind, some insurance policies may still increase your insurance policy even if you weren't at fault unless you solely go through the other person's insurance policy. 

2. If You Have Never Been in an Accident Before

If this was your first accident, or first serious accident, your insurance company may give you a break. Some companies offer accident forgiveness provided that you are ordinarily a safe driver. Of course, you'll need to make sure that you don't get into an accident again within the next few years. Sometimes simply not having been in an accident for the past five or ten years is enough.

3. If You Were the Only Car Involved

Simply denting your car in a parking lot isn't likely to increase your auto insurance -- though there are some exceptions, depending on insurance policies. Usually if you were the only car involved you can get some element of forgiveness. This is especially true if nothing else was damaged. If you ran into a parking meter and knocked it over, though, it may be another situation entirely.

If your insurance policy goes up, don't be afraid. There are still some things you can do. Some providers specialize in high risk insurance policies and may be able to give you a better deal. Other insurance providers may be willing to give you a lower premium if you switch other policies to them. Either way, you should always consult with an attorney in addition to an insurance agent. An attorney will be able to protect you financially and legally from other potential issues.  To learn more, contact the auto insurance experts at Senella Insurance Group
