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2 Types Of Car Insurance To Add To Your Policy

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Purchasing car insurance is a vital part of owning a car, mostly because it can protect you financially in the event of an accident. However, most policies do not offer much in the way of protection if your car is damaged outside of an accident. In that situation, you will want to supplement your basic insurance policy with underinsured motorist and comprehensive coverage.

Underinsured Motorist

Being involved in an auto accident is a horrible experience, but being involved in an accident with someone who has little or no car insurance can make the experience even worse. This is because you may end up having to pay for your own medical care and vehicle repairs, even if the other person was responsible for the accident. Sure, you do have the option to sue the other driver, but that does not necessarily mean that he or she will be capable of paying for your medical bills or repair expenses.

However, underinsured or uninsured motorist coverage is designed to help in this type of situation. If you are struck by someone who does not have sufficient insurance coverage to cover your accident-related expenses, the insurance company will step in and pay for the shortfall. 


Another type of insurance that you may want to consider adding to your policy is comprehensive coverage. This type of coverage is designed to cover any damage done to your vehicle outside of a motor vehicle accident. This means that your insurance company will pay to repair or replace your vehicle if it is damaged or destroyed due to a natural disaster, vandalism, or rioting in your area.

In addition, this type of insurance coverage will help you out in the event that you vehicle is stolen. In that situation, your insurance company will either provide you with a check for the current market value of the stolen vehicle, or replace the car with one that is of similar quality or value. In some cases, the insurance company may even provide you with a newer model of the same vehicle that was stolen if you are in good standing with the insurance company.

Speak to your insurance agent today in order to discuss the many types of optional coverage that you should consider adding to your policy. Underinsured motorist coverage is a fantastic choice in order to protect yourself from those drivers that are driving with insufficient insurance coverage, while comprehensive coverage is ideal if you want your car to be covered even if it is damaged outside of a typical auto accident. For more information, contact a professional like Ashland Insurance Inc.
