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3 Features You May Want To Consider Adding To Your Home Insurance Policy

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Home insurance coverage can help you in a number of situations, but there may be some coverage options that are available but not already added to your coverage plan. Below are three common policy additions that are useful but not usually a default option.

1. Personal Valuables Coverage

While your home insurance may compensate you for some property that is stolen or damaged, there is usually a limit – one that wouldn't even be close to covering the cost of valuables such as jewelry, family heirlooms, and the like.

With the addition of personal valuables coverage, you'll be able to have all of your valuables appraised and valued so if something does happen, you'll know that you're covered. This supplemental coverage option will not only cover more financially, but it can also offer a wider range of coverage options than your regular property coverage. This wider range may include accidental damage caused by yourself or general breakage.

2. Identity Recovery

Your identity – once stolen – is one of the hardest things to recover. With the option of adding identity recovery to your home insurance policy, your company will help you to recover your identity at the first signs of theft and clean up the mess that the thief might have made.

Your identity is tied to everything, so don't let identity thieves steal it without a fight. It can easily cost thousands to properly restore your identity and secure your personal information. With identity recovery insurance, your policy can reimburse you up to a certain amount. This can help to cover attorney fees, utility bills, and even lost wages that were caused due to the theft of your identity.

3.  Water/Sewer Backup

If your home insurance policy offers water damage or flood coverage, you may think that you're completely covered. Unfortunately, that isn't always the case.

The backup of the pipes and sewers in your home can cause extensive damage. Many insurance policies only cover flooding or water damage that occurs as a result of a natural disaster, such as a flood or hurricane. If your home is water damaged by broken pipes or sewer backup, will you be covered? Speak with your insurance agent to find out to what extent you're covered and what other options are available.

Give yourself peace of mind by going over your home insurance coverage plan and learning about additional options that can be added. Certain additions to your plan, including the three mentioned above, can save you a lot of money and a lot of heartache. To learn more, call your insurance agent today, like those at Trent Insurance Group Inc. 
