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How Can You Find Affordable Auto Insurance Rates?

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Auto insurance rates aren't exactly all the same. The average cost is $1,222 a year. You're looking for affordable insurance, and you're getting quotes that vary from one end of the spectrum to the other. Now what? You could toss out those top-end quotes right away. But, the ones that are super-low may not give you all the coverage you want or need. What you need right now is a combination of the best rate with the best coverage (for your individual needs). How do you get this combo? Check out these easy ways to get affordable car insurance, without giving up too much of your coverage.

Don't Believe the Hype

If it seems like you're seeing a different "cheap" auto insurance commercial every time you turn on the TV, you're not entirely wrong. Insurance companies devote plenty of time and money into making you think that they are the best or the only affordable option. Yes, some companies truly do offer low rates. But, these aren't always rates that apply to every customer. Just because you're constantly seeing commercials that scream, "We're the cheapest!" doesn't necessarily mean it's true – at least, for you. Instead of buying into marketing tactics, take a look at what each company really has to offer. Stop watching the ads, and start doing your own research.

Ask About Discounts

You may be able to reduce the cost of your car insurance by bundling it with other products or insurance for other cars that your family drives. If you own a home, going with your homeowners insurance company may make your auto coverage cheaper (or give you a percent off discount). Likewise if you bundle everything up with renters insurance. Along with bundling, some insurance companies give discounts in other areas. This might include a discount or cash back for safe driving/no accidents, paying in lump sums (such as six months or one year at a time), driving less/low miles, going paperless for statements or using an electronic debit system.

Change Your Coverage

In some cases you may be able to change your coverage to get a lower rate. That said, this isn't always advisable. For example, collision coverage pays some of the costs related to repairing your car if you're in an accident. If you have a brand new car, you want this coverage. But, if you have an older car that's on its last legs (or rather, wheels) you may be okay with giving this up to save yourself some money. Choosing a higher deductible option will also often decrease your overall payments. Of course, if you end up needed to use your coverage, you'll pay more for repairs. Keep in mind, some situations (especially leases) require a specific level of coverage that you can't go below.

You're looking for auto insurance rates that match your budget. Before going with the first guy who advertises affordable car insurance, take a look at your options, ask if you are eligible for discounts and consider changing your coverage. With all of the options available, it's completely possible to put some money back into your pocket and save on your auto insurance. For more information, contact companies like Woodmansee Insurance Inc.
