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Three Questions To Ask Your Insurance Agent When Your Teen Is Old Enough To Start Driving

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When your child becomes old enough to get their license, you need to start talking to your insurance agent about how to get the best rate when adding your child to your insurance policy. Teens cannot get their own insurance policy because they are not old enough to be legally bound to a contract. The guide below walks you through a few things to ask the agent to ensure that you can get the best rate that you possibly can for your child.

Is Individual Full Coverage an Option for Your Policy?

There are some insurance companies that require new drivers to have full coverage insurance to ensure that they and everyone else on the road are as safe as they can be at all times. If you only have liability coverage on the vehicle and your child gets into an accident, their medical bills will not be covered under the policy. If your policy offers them full coverage as a driver, you will be able to rest assured that your car and your child will be covered if anything happens while they are driving.

Are There Any Discounts Available?

You need to talk to the agent to find out if there are any discounts available to your family. There are some insurance companies that will offer discounts for teens who are on the honor roll or who do community service locally. Some companies also offer discounts to drivers who take defensive driving courses. Ask your agent what discounts are available so that you can find out if any apply to your family's specific situation. This could save you a lot of money in the long run.

Does the Coverage Extend to All of My Vehicles?

There are some policies that do not provide coverage to all drivers for all vehicles that are on the policy. Some people assume that just because their child is covered to drive their car, they can also drive any other vehicle that is covered in the policy. That is not always the case, though. Just because a boat is covered on your policy, that does not mean that your teen will be covered to drive it. They may need to be added to the policy as a driver of each individual vehicle you have in order to be covered.

Talking to the agent will ensure that you have the right coverage. You do not want something bad to happen and then find out that your teen was not covered the way that you thought they were. Contact a company like Mascott Insurance Services LLC to learn more.
