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Is Life Insurance Worth Your Investment? What You Should Know

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The coronavirus pandemic has made many adults take stock of their financial security. In fact, many people who dismissed the importance of life insurance have found themselves reconsidering its value. If you've been thinking about investing in life insurance but aren't sure if it's really worth the cost for you, it's important to understand its benefits. Here's a look at a few things that you should know about life insurance before you decide to purchase it.

It Isn't Difficult To Get

Sometimes, people dismiss the idea of getting life insurance because they are concerned that the process will be difficult, time-consuming, and invasive. This isn't the case. In fact, there are many life insurance policies that you can get without having to complete a medical exam of any kind. 

In some instances, you may have to answer a few general questions about your health. There are also some policies that will, in fact, require a medical exam, but the process is quick and easy. Sometimes, it can even be done from the comfort of your home or office. 

It Doesn't Have To Be Expensive

Another reason why some adults shy away from buying life insurance is the concern that it could be cost-prohibitive. You might think that any policy with a significant death benefit is going to cost you several hundred dollars a month. The fact is that you can find life insurance policies with a range of different premium levels, which will allow you to find one that fits your budget.

For example, whole life policies are usually the most expensive, while term life insurance policies are often the most affordable. In the middle, you'll find universal life policies. While whole and universal life policies are more costly than a term policy, it's important to realize that these policies give you extra benefits as well.

With whole life or universal life insurance policy, your policy's death benefit (and premium) will remain the same throughout the rest of your life. You won't have to worry about cost increases as you age or losing out on any portion of the death benefit. This is a contrast to term policies, which are only valid for the pre-determined period for the policy.

You Can Even Get Living Benefits

One thing that you may not realize when it comes to life insurance is that it isn't always restricted to only paying out benefits upon death. In fact, certain life insurance policies will also offer living benefits, which allows you to borrow money against the policy or draw a portion of your benefit from the policy, in times when you're facing financial difficulty. 

Talk with your life insurance agent today for more information to find the policy that's right for you.
