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Trees' Effects On Home Insurance And Mitigation Tips

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The insurance company may ask you about the trees on your compound before selling you homeowners insurance. Trees can even affect your insurance rates. Below are some reasons insurers care about trees and what you can do to minimize the trees' effects on your premiums.

Why the Carriers Care

Claims cost insurance companies money. Anything that affects your claim filing risk affects your insurance rates. Below are some ways trees can cause your insurance company money.

Structural Damage

Trees can damage various parts of your house. For example:

  • Tree branches or trunks can fall and damage the roof, gutters, or siding.
  • Tree roots can extend under the house and damage the foundation.
  • Tree roots can block and damage plumbing pipes, such as drain lines.

Home insurance policies cover some of these damages, such as roof damage.

Tree Removal Costs

Your insurance company will pay for tree removal costs if a tree or a large branch falls in your home. Most insurance policies only cover the removal of trees that cost damage. You bear the cost of trees that fall but don't cause damage. However, insurance companies cannot predict which trees will fall and cause damage and which ones won't. Thus, all large trees matter.

Mitigation Tips

You can enjoy the benefits of trees in your home without the trees increasing your home insurance rates. Below are some tips that help.

Remove Dangerous Trees

Some trees are more likely to fall and cause damage than others. Remove such trees to avoid accidents. Examples include:

  • Leaning trees that were initially upright
  • Dry or rotten trees
  • Diseased trees
  • Weather-damaged trees
  • Broken tree branches

A tree professional can evaluate your trees and identify the dangerous ones.

Trim Trees Around the House

The closer a tree is to your house, the more it's likely to cause damage. Even sound trees can cause damage if they are too close to the house. For example, tree branches can scratch the roof and accelerate wear and tear. The wear and tear increase the roof's risk of future damage. Tree debris can block roof drainage and cause water damage.

Trim trees around the house to reduce the risks of such damages. Ensure no branch touches the roof.

The home insurance company may inspect your home the first time you buy coverage. Prepare your home before the inspection. Consult your insurance agent on other ways to lower your home insurance rates.

For more information, contact an insurance provider such as LH Griffith and Company.
